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August 5, 2014:

Making an Impact with Feedback

Ever watch one of the talent, dance or voice reality shows? As a guilty pleasure, I’ve seen them all at one point and after every performance a panel of celebrity judges gives the performer feedback. Each judge has their own style and some have become infamous (think Simon Cowell and his no-mince opinions and harsh tones). From my perspective, some judges are better than others at structuring and expressing their feedback…

July 21, 2014:

Examine Your Relationships Through a Trust Lens

When you’re involved in a discussion aimed at reaching an agreement with someone there are a multitude of factors that can affect the process and outcome. One of the more significant variables is relationship. In the midst of ongoing discussion - negotiating a contract, persuading someone to share your perspective, offering feedback, resolving a conflict – the status of your relationship with the other party can swing the pendulum dramatically…

July 7, 2014:

Time is Valuable so Use Yours (and Theirs) Wisely

Assuming you agree that time is valuable, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Why is it so common to feel like many of the meetings you attend are often a waste of time or could have been handled differently, kept shorter, or involved a different set of people? 

  2. How often do you think that you’re spending so much time in meetings that you don’t have any time to actually get work done?

  3. When was the last time you went to a meeting and knew the agenda ahead of time?

  4. As a facilitator, how often do you take the time to think about, create and share meeting objectives as well as relevant information in advance?

  5. As an attendee, how often do you request an agenda if one isn’t provided or offer your expectations for the time together?…

April 30, 2014:

Influencing Inside Out

Have you ever wondered how you could be more influential in situations in your life? Having studied, observed, practiced and taught best practices to being influential for decades, I believe a good start is to first influence yourself and then you can be influential with others. If you go into the situation without having influenced yourself first, you may be unprepared and resistant and find that getting to a good outcome is tougher that you hoped.  To me, influencing yourself first means putting yourself in the right mindset and planning a little so the conversation will flow in a positive direction…