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March 27, 2014:

How to Avoid the Drive-Thru Experience with Your Training Programs

To a consultant's delight, the first quarter of the calendar year can be quite busy from a sales perspective as existing clients and prospects are heavily engaged in matching their organizational needs to a training firm's offerings. A company's budgets, goals, and other internal and external factors drive the process. Key personnel from relevant parts of the organization get involved to facilitate buy-in.


Often times, the process becomes more of a drive-thru experience where components are quickly selected from a plethora of menu items without enough thought as to what goes together, how to pace, and what happens afterwards…

February 19, 2014:


There is something so inspiring about Olympic athletes. There is a concrete takeaway that I can actually apply in my daily life, which these top performers exude. I call it the olympic mindset and it goes well beyond the technical skills of their sport…

February 4, 2014:

No Dog in the Hunt: The Benefits of Objectivity

With Sunday’s Super Bowl XLVIII, I had the experience of watching a game that I enjoy but without the emotional attachment to an outcome. My favorite team was not playing so I didn’t feel the stress and pressure, the internal emotional pull, for a particular team to win. I cheered when a good play happened and listened when a questionable call was reviewed, calmly considering my own opinion of which way it should have gone.  I could sit in the place of objectivity and not be swept by strong emotions in either direction. What a concept!…

January 21, 2014:

Lunch with Martin Luther King, Jr.

The host of a program on NPR recently asked the guest that common, conversation-starting question, "If you could have lunch/dinner with 3 famous people dead or alive, who would they be?" Maybe I'm influenced by the time of year and the recent commemoration, but when I ask myself who one would be, I think of Martin Luther King, Jr., humanitarian, and leader of the civil rights movement…