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December 15, 2015:
Five Steps To Slow Down Conflict and Get Off the Escalator
Have you ever found yourself incredulous at how quickly your conversation with someone has deteriorated and the tension is mounting, your and their emotions are flying and you are flummoxed as to how you got there? It’s like being on an escalator that you can’t get off of, nor turn around and go down, and you are stuck riding to the top in order to reverse course…
November 17, 2015:
The Benefits of Practicing Gratitude
“He who forgets the language of gratitude can never be on speaking terms with happiness.”
C. Neil Strait The month of November has been dubbed the National Month of Gratitude here in the United States and swarms of organizations celebrate this in a myriad of ways. Many non-profits suggest increasing acts of charity to show gratitude. Schools and higher education organizations support a gratitude journaling practice to enhance student and teacher outcomes. Corporations offer employees opportunities to give back to the community and provide employee appreciation offerings. Managers share more positive feedback with direct reports…
August 11, 2015:
Handling a Polar Vortex on the Job
Four key things you can do when a "severe cold snap" rushes into the office…
April 21, 2015:
Self-Leadership Isn't Jargon, It's Wisdom
It's common to work with or for someone who occasionally dispenses good advice on how to handle complex interpersonal situations, but is pretty unlikely to take their own advice. Whether it is how to talk a customer down from a bad experience, how to deliver straightforward feedback to an employee or how to negotiate collaboratively for project resources, after a while, all you're reminded of concerning this person's leadership is "do as I say, not as I do."…