Terrific Team Negotiating
Negotiating one-on-one can be difficult. Team negotiating can become exponentially more difficult and more frustrating. In addition to worrying about what the person on the other side of the table is planning, you also have to work well with those on your side of the table.
Countering Hardball Negotiation Tactics
Inevitably, you will run into people whose behavior pushes your buttons. How can you minimize the impact of such tactics? Fundamentally, you have to “change the game.”
Collective Bargaining in Education
Despite the difficulties associated with traditional collective bargaining practices, educators are understandably reluctant to apply a "radical" new approach when issues that matter to their livelihood are on the table. Reaching agreement on complex issues like salary, health care benefits and teacher evaluation is difficult enough, without having to worry about learning a new approach to bargaining.
Negotiate with Yourself
Many factors can negatively affect your self-negotiations. Learn how to overcome them and understand your needs. The most difficult person you may ever have to negotiate with is yourself. We all have conflicting goals and desires. Dissatisfaction with the outcome of a situation usually has less to do with the other person or issue and more to do with you.
The Negotiator's Zone
In sports, it is called being in the “zone” or playing “out of your mind.” Athletes who are in the zone often speak of not thinking about what they are doing. They describe a state of relaxation and focus, as if the performance is not forced but is coming spontaneously from deep within. There is a congruence or a connection between body, mind and spirit. That ability to perform at the very highest possible level is possible in negotiation as well.
When Not to Come to Agreement
In negotiation, sometimes it's more important to know when not to agree. There are times when the best agreement is no agreement. Sometimes, walking away and getting your needs met elsewhere is your best strategy. These guidelines will help you determine when you may be better off ending negotiations.
Improving Executive Team Performance
One of the most important, yet underdeveloped, responsibilities of an executive team is negotiation. It is surprising how much time is actually spent persuading and influencing each other and others on major executive decisions.