Procurement Agents to Enhance Negotiating

Co-developed by procurement veteran, Tony Delgado, Accordence's Just Negotiate for Procurement® workshop is a fast-paced, interactive session in which procurement and all those who interact with suppliers can improve their partnering and negotiation skills and their ability to achieve successful agreements. During the workshop, participants learn the ICON Negotiation Framework with which to prepare, conduct and review negotiations. They integrate this framework into a simple, powerful 4D Negotiation Strategy for understanding and planning different phases of a negotiation, test their assumptions and personal negotiating style, and experiment with alternative possibilities to help all internal organizations to work as one focused team with Procurement.
The workshop fosters awareness of negotiation as joint problem solving throughout the procurement and supply chain process that requires understanding other parties' needs and concerns. Participants learn to generate innovative solutions to satisfy those needs. They apply analytical and preparation tools to their specific work challenges, act as advisors to one another, and develop uses for the new principles and tools back on the job. At the same time, they examine how they can manage working relationships both outside and inside their organization for negotiation success.

Through skill building practice and application, Just Negotiate for Procurement® improves participants' capability to:

• Identify key interests, their own, those of their suppliers/partners, and other key stakeholders;
• Foster creativity and trust to get to optimal solutions;
• Develop good communication for negotiating collaboratively;
• Deal effectively with challenges as they arise;
• Use objective criteria to develop consensus in spite of conflicting views; and
• Strengthen relationships so parties can negotiate future agreements more effectively and efficiently and to support the entire procurement and supply chain process.

Tony Delgado, Co-developer of the course and Consultant with Accordence, Inc. says, "I am excited to be part of this enhanced procurement negotiation program.  We have combined the award winning strategies that Accordence has developed, which extends Roger Fisher's "Getting To Yes" process, to make it unique to the procurement function.  The result is positive internal procurement negotiations combined with extremely success driven strategies for supplier negotiations."

Heather Meeker Green, COO of Accordence states, “With this new course, all of the tools that have worked so well in the sales or HR divisions of companies, can now be shared with purchasing departments. This holistic effort gives an organization a huge opportunity for an aligned corporate culture using the ICON and 4-D methodologies throughout all company negotiations, thus promoting effective internal negotiations as well as with partners, vendors, and suppliers.”

For more information on this course, contact Heather Meeker Green at 650-292-4922 x 212 or


Just Negotiate® New Interactive Components


Persuasion Course Updated