Increasing Demand for Negotiation Skills and Workshops

Accordence professionals, Grande Lum, Managing Director, and Jessica Notini, Senior Consultant, have been conducting Negotiation Mastery courses through Stanford University's Continuing Studies throughout 2008 and 2009. The popularity of these open sessions speaks to the increasing realizations by and expectations of professionals to negotiate smarter and more successfully in increasingly challenging business conditions.

For optimum results, we have limited the open sessions to 24 participants. Attendees represent a range of industries and various job functions in which enhanced neogitation skills are critical. The course, Negotiation Mastery: Achieving Outstanding Results and Relationships, continues to be offered multiple times per year due to its high demand and typically registration closes early and a waiting list is maintained. The next scheduled sessions are May 9th and 16th. The interactive course offers participants practical tools and techniques for generating creative solutions in difficult situations.

Companies that are interested in designing a customized course offering to help their internal teams hone their negotiating skills should view our negotiation training solutions and contact us about on-site and virtual negotiation workshops.


Blog on Internal Conflict


Everybody Wins When You Negotiate Well Webinar