Patricia Gale Positively Reviews Grande Lum's New e-Book

Patricia Gale agrees with the "honey approach" to negotiation. Ms. Gale, whose articles and reviews have appeared in Psychology Today, Forbes, and Huffington Post, recently reviewed Grande Lum’s new e-Book “Tear Down the Wall: Be Your Own Mediator in Conflict” for Seattle Post Intelligencer and BlogCritics. Gale writes extensively on business, career, self-help, parenting, and relationships, and she found that Lum’s 87 tips are applicable to all walks of life.

“[Tear Down the Wall] could be as useful in a terrorist hostage situation as when talking to a teenager,” Gale comments. She also appreciates how Lum focuses on self-awareness, teaching us to “separate the position from the person” as one possible way to make ground in an intransigent negotiation.

The “honey approach” is perhaps Gale’s favorite. Lum’s advice to “ask your adversary to be your mentor” elicits memories of the old adage it is easier to attract bees with honey than vinegar. Gale appreciates that, like the old adage, Lum’s new book “is not an intended to be a full course on systematic negotiation”. (For that, it’s best to use The Negotiation Fieldbook). Rather, this collection of 87 tactics gives a range of new insights to move a negotiation forward, be it in the White House or at the dining room table.

See the whole review here: