Accordence E-News: Winter 2010

The Power of Persuasion
The art and science of persuasion has become an important competency for many companies.  We have seen a rise in requests from the clients we work with to help them build this skill in their employees.

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Negotiation Lessons from the 2010 Olympics

By Heather Meeker Green

The 2010 Winter Olympic Games have ended and we are back to our routines. Before we return to old habits, we thought we would take advantage of the opportunity to look at these momentous events for some lessons as we consider best strategies for our upcoming negotiations.

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On Friday May 28, 2010 (9am Eastern to 11am Eastern) Scott Roberts will deliver an interactive presentation on The Power of 3: Persuasion for the Central Indiana ASTD. For more information, go to: CIASTD.


Negotiation Mastery: Achieving Outstanding Results and Relationships


When: Saturday, May 8, 2010 10am to 4pm

Where: Palo Alto, California

What: An open session conducted by Jessica Notini

Registration details available at  

If it is closed, please join the waitlist as we work with Stanford to provide additional sessions when possible.


Accordence E-News: Winter 2011


Accordence E-News: Summer 2010