Accordence Perspectives: Compassion and Curiosity (Nov 2014)

Latest Blog:

Creating a Compassion Contagion
by Heather Meeker Green

It’s that time of year when common colds and the flu virus begin to spread. Every fall/winter there’s a major stir and worry for catching something that knocks you out for days or weeks. Given the personal manner of transmittal, one effect may be minimized contact in the office and distance from our colleagues, which is already on a downturn in our global, virtual work world.

What if, instead, we focused on a different kind of contagion; one that we actually hoped would spread? What if it spread like wild fire around the company and the outcomes were enhanced productivity and increased positivity?

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Research Survey:

Can You Teach An Old Dog New Tricks?

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Training Opportunity:

Just Negotiate® Open Session December 5, 2014 in Tempe, AZ

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Accordence Holiday Newsletter 2014


Accordence Perspectives: Learning for Positive Impact (Aug 2014)