Holiday Issue: December 2013

Navigating Holiday Tensions - De-Escalate, then Appreciate

by Heather Meeker Green

In the most idealistic setting, the extended family is cheerfully seated around the table, kids behaving, adult engaging, dishes being passed, presents being opened and the only tension in the room is perhaps on your belt, as your waistline expands from all the delicious ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, cookies, cakes and pies.

Well, I'm willing to bet that for most people, this ideal is far from real. While families may want to be together during the holidays, tension of some sort is bound to arise - personalities clash, financial pressures mount, weather and travel delays interfere...[you can fill in your own blanks here].

Pre-Game Approach

There are some strategies you can take to help ensure your own peaceful state of mind as you navigate the holiday season and the events that bring you together with others. Several top methods are:

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Resolve to Evolve, Skill-Wise That Is!

by Heather Meeker Green

When LinkedIn looked at the most impactful stories of the past year that were shared across their social networking site of 225 million professionals, they discovered that skill development to stay relevant was desired by most successful people. At Accordence, our mission involves lifelong learning of a crucial set of skills that we believe we all need for individual and collaborative success, grounded in building and maintaining strong working relationships.

In thinking about your personal and professional evolution, what sets you apart from earlier versions of yourself?

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