Accordence Perspectives: Learning for Positive Impact (Aug 2014)


How "Sticky" is Negotiation Training?
by Rachel DiGiammarino

As one part of our overall service offerings, in the last 2 years, Accordence has conducted large-scale negotiation training initiatives at 3 different companies that involved close to 1,000 participants in sales-oriented roles.  

In an effort to gauge the “stickiness” of new behaviors as well as more tangible results, surveys were administered, typically in the 3-to-6-month range after training, to which approximately 60% of participants responded.

Featured Article:

Personal Effectiveness Leads to Enterprise Achivement
by Heather Meeker Green and Rachel DiGiammarino

Personal effectiveness is a level of competency that incorporates a mastery of the elements of emotional intelligence, adaptability, trust, communication and collaboration. Those who have it have learned how to be more effective from “the inside out.” They know and leverage their personal strengths, have identified their limiting mindsets and move away from reactivity or auto-pilot, and apply creativity and authenticity to navigate challenges, enhance relationships and reach their goals.

Latest Blog:

Making an Impact with Feedback
by Heather Meeker Green

Ever watch one of the talent, dance or voice reality shows? As a guilty pleasure, I’ve seen them all at one point and after every performance a panel of celebrity judges gives the performer feedback. Each judge has their own style and some have become infamous (think Simon Cowell and his no-mince opinions and harsh tones). From my perspective, some judges are better than others at structuring and expressing their feedback.

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  1. Follow us via our LinkedIn company profile Accordence, Inc.

  2. Choose highly relevant tips out of the 87 lessons in Grande Lum's e-book, Tear Down The Wall: Be Your Own Mediator in Conflict