Accordence Holiday Newsletter 2015

Guest Blog:

The Benefits of Practicing Gratitude 

by Heather Meeker Green (originally published on

We have seen a growing wealth of research on the benefits of acknowledging gratitude and on the mechanics of how practicing gratitude succeeds in creating positive impact.

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5 Steps to Slow Down Conflicts and Get Off The Escalator

by Heather Meeker Green

Have you ever found yourself incredulous at how quickly your conversation with someone has deteriorated and the tension is mounting, your and their emotions are flying and you are flummoxed as to how you got there? It’s like being on an escalator that you can’t get off of, nor turn around and go down, and you are stuck riding to the top in order to reverse course. 

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Grande Lum, Accordence's Founder, will share his wisdom at the June 2016 Conference on Conflict Resolution Education (CRE). This year's theme is Building Stronger Communities Through Peace, Justice, and Security.