Huub Liefhebber
Throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, Mr. Liefhebber has trained professionals in the advanced use of mediation, negotiation and persuasion techniques. A distinctive characteristic of his training delivery is an interdisciplinary approach by combining the latest insights on neuroscience and psychology with management issues and practical implications. Having worked as a manager for ING, among others, Mr. Liefhebber has broad experience in working with and managing teams.
In addition to being an Accordence Consultant, he is founding partner in a dispute resolution and deal making training and resource center (Toolkit Company) and a business mediator at Schonewille & Schonewille Legal Mediation in Rotterdam, focusing on training design and development of materials as well as delivering negotiation and dispute resolution trainings, particularly in the Mediterranean region. Mr. Liefhebber leads the business unit Employment Mediation at Schonewille & Schonewille where he initiated TeamFix, a solution-focused and effective method to resolve conflicts within teams and improve their overall performance. By enabling the team to communicate in effective and resolute ways, and to x problems and find solutions before reaching the point of mediation, teams take proactive steps to arrive at pragmatic solutions for their issues within the workshop timeframe.
Mr. Liefhebber got his start studying electrical engineering at Delft Technical University and economics at Eramus University in Rotterdam, and then became employed in commercial activities for several insurance companies such as Delta Lloyd and Swiss Life. For ING, Mr. Liefhebber was active as manager of Employee Benefits. After that, as a senior consultant for Atos Origin, he specialized in the banking industry.
Electrical engineering, TH- Delft
Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam
“De nieuwe manager” a groundbreaking leadership program with a strong emphasis on international business at De Baak Noordwijk.
Mediator training, Merlijn Groep, Nuland
Legal Mediator, Schonewille & Schonewille, Rotterdam
Business Mediation | advanced, Schonewille & Schonewille, Rotterdam