Steve Chriest
With more than 30 years of experience in sales and sales management, marketing and business development at the C-level in a variety of industries, Steve brings a diversified business background to his consulting engagements.
As a strategic consultant, Steve helps his clients shorten critical negotiation timelines, develop solid trust with customers and open opportunities for expanding relationships built on creative, win-win negotiation outcomes. He helps individuals and organizations get more of what they want from their negotiations.
Steve’s passion is education, and he works with a team of multimedia developers, software engineers and educators who are dedicated to transforming the way employees learn, collaborate and work together to improve performance and create value for their organizations.
Steve’s experience includes serving as CEO of a business consulting and database software development firm, where he authored critical strategic plans and negotiated development agreements with OEMs for internal usage of the company’s software product. As CEO of a national finance organization, he established successful alliances with numerous national wholesale banking and nance organizations and negotiated over $300 million dollars in Purchase Facilities from national banking institutions.
Steve has worked with clients such as Microsoft, Amgen, Life Technologies, Nuance Communications, CNET Networks, Charles Schwab, IDG, Levi Strauss, Principal Financial Group, and Swagelok.
Since 1990, he has been President of Adults Toward Independent Living, a San Jose, California non-profit organization dedicated to providing independent living environments for adults with severe spinal cord injuries.
B.A. University of California, Santa Barbara